4 Reasons Why Retailers Are Using PrestaShop CRM


PrestaShop is a go-to destination for online businesses that desire an easy-to-use tool to create their online store and feature a secure shopping cart for their customers. As one of the leading services on the web, it’s helped countless retailers secure their online presence.

While it’s a great way to get your store up and running, it will do little in the form of helping you market it to attract new customers. This is why more retailers are looking at PrestaShop CRM solutions. Using an integrated app such as this, you can bring your customers to life, and can create more meaningful relationships that help you improve retention and loyalty, while also enabling you to attract more sales.

Cross-Channel Integration

While your PrestaShop store certainly will come with some inbound analytics, they are not nearly as useful as you may suspect. For one, they don’t really show aging reports, shopper trends or seasonality. For another reason, they don’t integrate cross-channel sales data, like sales data from your Amazon or eBay storefronts, for example. Naturally, this can leave you guessing or painstakingly comparing charts between sales channels, something CRM permanently resolves with cross-channel sales data and detailed reporting.

Improving Customer Service

Better customer service starts with you. A solid PrestaShop CRM application will allow you to create customer profiles instantly, complete with order history, return and shipping data. You should also be able to amend profiles and add notes, too. This makes it easier to service your customers when they phone in regarding a past or present order. It also creates a new way for you to know who to market to in the future as well.

Useful Shipping, Returns Apps

According to the most recent reports, most online stores see a 33% return rate and few have a software solution in place to manage it. If you don’t use an integrated shipping and returns management app, you could be manually handling your orders, which would suck up your entire day and leave you backlogged. But the newer CRM systems do more than CRM, and come with useful add-ons and plugins that help you better manage shipping and returns by automating them.

Expanding Marketing Reach

If people do not know about your online store, who is going to make purchases? The more customers you earn, the more you need to market, to attract new customers and also to encourage repeat business. Gone are the days where you would need to manually handle all of these functions.

Instead, look to a quality CRM system that includes the features you need to encourage repeat sales. Being able to compare data across your sales channels, while having immediate access to customer profiles, gives you a competitive advantage over your rivals. In business, they say this is called having the upper hand. In the real world, it’s simply knowing what you have to do to make more money day in and day out.

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