How to Create Effective Website Content


Your website is your most valuable employee. Think about it, long after everyone has gone home for the day, your website continues to work for your business. Attracting new clients, engaging your potential audience, and driving conversions for your business.

Despite this, so many businesses spend all their time thinking about how they can attract new visitors to their website, without considering how they are converting their existing traffic.

Irrespective of the size of your business, investing in a good website is the foundation for attracting new customers in 2019. your website is also an ineffective way to generate high quality leads for your business through search engine optimisation.

Whether you’re looking to improve your content marketing efforts or revise the existing content on your website, this article will provide valuable insights on how your business can improve its digital presence in 2019.

Give Your Audience What They Looking For

It seems straightforward, however, so many businesses write content blindly without considering their target audience. Imagine starting out on a road trip without a map — creating content for your website without considering your audience is almost the same thing.

Your visitors like they don’t know exactly what they are looking for when they visit your website, they just need enough information to make an informed decision about your business. It’s your responsibility as a business owner or digital marketing professional to understand your potential customers. There is an abundance of tools out there that can help you to identify the kind of language that your audience is using and how you can create content that addresses their queries. Some of the things that you need to look for when conducting research include:

  • What keywords are your target audience using?
  • How many searches do those keywords receive per month?
  • How do you compare to your competition for these keywords?
  • Which pages on your website address these key terms?
  • How can you create content or landing pages that are going to attract the right audience?

If you have no experience with search engine optimization, it could be worth employing a search engine marketing consultant who can help your business create a blueprint for organic search engine success. Working with a search engine optimisation professional will give you and your business insights into how you can gain traffic without having to pay for it.

Create Content with an Audience in Mind

You need to invest time in creating content that is going to appeal to your target audience. There is no point in creating content that is going to appeal to people who are not going to generate leads or sales for your business. You are better off reaching 10 customers with a high purchase Intent, rather than 1000 customers who couldn’t care less about your business.

Creating content with an audience in mind comes down to measuring the right metrics. Don’t focus on your overall website traffic, instead focus on how well you are converting leads into sales. If you are receiving a lot of website traffic with little to no conversions, then you need to think about why this is. Chances are the content on your website is not resonating or you are attracting the wrong kind of audience.

Include a Call to Action

  • Want people to email your business? Tell them!
  • Want people to call your business? Tell them!
  • Want people to visit your business? Tell them!

Having a clear call to action and understanding what you want your customers to do from each page on your website is critical. Your CTA buttons need to clearly tell your customers what you want them to do next. So many websites generate great leads but don’t know what to do with them because they don’t provide instructions in their call to action buttons. Make the most of your web traffic by guiding them through the sales funnel.

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