Having a business in the retail industry can be quite challenging, considering the numerous competitors you have to keep up or even exceed. Because managing to draw the attention and interested of new customers, while still keeping your current ones loyal and dealing with a wide range of daily workflow processes can seem difficult, looking for solutions that can make business management easier is desirable. One option you have the possibility of resorting to is the implementation of a retail CRM system. This type of tool can bring various perks to the table, and if you want to learn more about it, here are the things that you should know:
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Support in the marketing department
Offering support in the marketing department is one of the most beneficial things a CRM software product can do for your retail business.
- Automation of several marketing purposed processes
- Tracking and analyzing customer purchase history – receiving accurate data regarding website pages visited, responses to email campaign, reviews and ratings and so on
- Customer segmentation – in order to provide personalized service to each one of your customers, having precise segmented data will be necessary. With CRM, you can have customer groups segmented by purchase history, interests, gender etc., information that can be easily accessed by your employees and then used to service customers in the best way possible.
- Resource management
Time management
In the business world, time means money, especially in the industries that revolve around sales. If you analyze the amount of time your sales staff actually spends on active selling, you will be surprised to learn that it does not even exceed 20 percent of their office time. Making a change in this department can be essential for the further expansion and profit increase of your organization. Retail CRM implementation will also contribute to time management. Customer problem solving and administrative issues are usually the ones that take most of your employee’s time. Because the right CRM system can provide the automation of numerous sale processes, your sales reps will automatically gain more time to actually dedicate themselves to their main activity – and that is making sales and nurturing leads.
Effective rewards and loyalty programs
Managing to keep your clientele satisfied involves carrying various loyalty or reward programs from time to time. However, these programs still need to meet a certain level of efficiency, and for that to be possible, a retail CRM tool, such as the one provided by Workforce Manager or bpm’ online, can be necessary:
- Running more than one loyalty program at a time
- Handling collaboration programs for various brands
- Managing and building reward mechanisms
- Fraud control, processing rules, bonuses cards and other essential loyalty program activities
Offering the highest level of customer experience
Because your business depends entirely on the customer, the customer experience you are providing can be the one that sets you apart from your competitors. Regardless of what inquires or questions a particular customer might have, you need to be 100 percent sure that your scooter care department handles everything in a timely manner and effectively, in order for no complaints to be made. With customer relationship management tools, the level of service you offering to your buyers will propel. You will be gaining the possibility to track all customer requests, regardless of source, automate business processes that contribute to customer care quality, and also manage contacting center automation. All of these aspects will optimize your customer experience efforts.
Collaboration between marketing and sales
Any coordination or collaboration issues between the sales department and the marketing department of your entries can negatively influence the productivity and image of your enterprise. Without a comprehensive solution, a platform that stores all customer data and provides access to all staff members throughout the company, dealing with inconveniences will be inevitable. Retail CRM allows you to solve any inconveniences, and provides the means necessary for an efficient collaboration between marketing and sales. By combining marketing and sale funnels with CRM, you will be serving sales outreach and efforts better. From one single platform, all digital assets, projects, approval processes can be managed effectively across teams throughout the entire retail enterprise. Leads and campaigns management will be simplified.
If you won an organization that is part of the retail industry, carrying on activities in a more productive and effective manner is in fact possible with the right tools at your disposal. Despite the high competition that today’s market faces, you can manage building your success gradually if you choose to implement the right customer relationship management system. These few benefits can truly revolutionize the way your business runs, completely changing thing for the better. However, make sure to keep in mind that the software product you decide on matters, so choose one from a reliable vendor, such as bpm’online.