If you want to find a job as a web developer, you’ll need to have information about what the current job landscape is like for the profession. Organizations want to hire web developers, but knowing which types can help you get the job you want and to plan your education successfully. Udemy posted a blog that detailed the hiring environment for web developers, and here are some of the tips offered.
First, check out tech leaders. This type of organization needs web developers that work on forward-thinking applications that “are heavy on the client side, meaning developers write coding using language like JavaScript that can be executed by the user’s browser rather than calling to the server,” Udacity noted. The web pages load fast, and that keeps users happy. Users expect fast-loading web pages more today than in the past. These pages also often have interactive content to entertain and engage users.
At this type of employer, you’ll spend time on apps that don’t need to be refreshed, like Gmail or Facebook. Udacity mentions that you will have to learn basic skills in server-side programming because most modern web apps utilize server- and client-side rendering. A few of them do almost all server-side rendering.
Another type of organization to work for is a legacy tech company. These types of businesses have old technology that people are still using. The technology is old, but it still works. Businesses want to save money by just fixing what needs to be fixed. They don’t want to replace entire systems and train employees how to use it all. Upgrading or completely changing all devices and programs doesn’t make financial sense if everything generally works well.
With this type of company, you’ll do more back-end work because you’ll need to “do most of the logic heavy lifting on the server side rather than the client side,” Udacity says. What’s more, the web apps for these organizations operate more like regular websites. They are not very interactive.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the demand for web developers is going to increase by about 20 percent, Udacity notes. The same job outlook is the same whether you work for a tech leader or legacy tech company. CareerOneStop, cited by Udacity, found that Utah can expect nearly a 39 percent uptick in the number of jobs for web developers between 2012 and 2022, and Colorado follows close behind at 37 percent. California comes in behind Colorado at just over 31.5 percent.
Tech and legacy tech companies hire entry-level front-end and full-stack developers. Tech leaders want to hire senior-level developers, whether they are more skilled in front- or back-end developing. Full-stack developers are often hired more by legacy tech companies more than back-end developers. Small start-ups tend to want to save money by hiring full-stack developers who can do everything.
There really isn’t a way to completely predict the future of what types of companies will want which types of skills. Develop your front-end skills first, and then start adding back-end development to your resume to increase your desirability as a job candidate.